Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wisconsin Regional Writers' Association Jade Ring Contest

I've been a member of Wisconsin Regional Writers' Association (WRWA) for several years and I have yet to enter their Jade Ring Contest. They have other writing contests I've participated in, but for me, this is The Big One. I've held off on The Big One while I cut my teeth on the other contests. I've published a couple of pieces in their creative writing journal. I'm ready to go for all the jade.

In addition to a cash prize, the winner of each category of the Jade Ring Contest will receive an actual ring. Made with jade. Hence the contest name. Slightly elusive, like a Superbowl ring, it may arguably be the crowning jewel for WRWA members. It's got me excited this year.

Not a member? You can join! The deadline for the Jade Ring Contest is June 15, 2011. Winners will be announced at the Fall Conference in Stevens Point this September. I'll see you there! 

Julie Shea
Writing My World

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Blog About Everything Cat

Join me as I take another dip into the blogging pond! The Scratching Post is everything you've ever wanted to know about cats. You can take a peek into the life of an everyday cat (I have three in my house), learn the good and bad about feline products, and read about some of the kitties making news all over the country.

I hope it's going to be as much fun to read as it's going to be to write. Take a look, become a follower, and let me know if there's anything specific you would like to have me blog about. I look forward to hearing from you!

Julie M. Shea,
Writing My World