Social networking chatter just got more literary. allows you to keep an electronic copy of books you are reading, books you have read, and books you haven't quite gotten to yet. You can even find reviews written by other members and post reviews of your own. Essentially, it's your online bookshelf. Or you could think of it as the largest book club you've ever seen. It's like Facebook for book lovers.
You can test your knowledge on everything from Green Eggs and Ham to Sense and Sensibility. If you feel lucky, enter a drawings for free books. You can even join discussion groups and connect with other users. Linking capabilities allow you to connect your Goodreads account to Facebook and Twitter.
Just for the record, I aced the Green Eggs and Ham quiz, I have 90 books on my "to be read" shelf, and one of my highest rated books is My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Come find your next book on