Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing work for North Shore Congregational Church. With basic templates already in place, my goal was to create identity for the various ministries and make it easier for visitors and members to find the information they were searching for.

Created identities for Children's Ministries, Youth Ministries,
Parish Nurse, Christian Involvement Coordinator by providing specific
column graphics for each.

 Provided additional space and visual interest on each page by adding the second column. This made it easier to put related information on one page.

The New Member Information Packet was originally a mix of various colored, unrelated looking brochures that gave the impression these programs were offered by different companies in different locations. I gave the New Member Packet a uniform design, connecting all pieces to the other by working with two complimentary colors and carrying the cross throughout.

For ease in locating specific sections of the newsletter, I created the table of contents on the front page.

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